Casa Buenavista has been designed to have a stay that exceeds expectations in your visit to Cienfuegos. The service is focused on meeting the needs of each of our guests so that they enjoy their days here to the fullest. It is a perfect place for couples (with and without children), business tourists, travelers at heart, animal lovers (pet friendly) and all those who are looking for a place where attention to detail becomes a total experience. The traditional architecture of a Cuban colonial house located in the center of Cienfuegos is the frame on which we incorporate touches of color, modernity and unique details to make it a true work of art. Each room is a place designed with a different theme that will offer by itself a unique stay. The central courtyard becomes an ideal oasis to enjoy a moment of reading or relaxation and taste the Cuban fusion gastronomy during lunch or with a gourmet dinner. Your stay at Casa Buenavista will become a pleasure for the senses.
…deja a nuestro chef inspirarte, creando un menu diferente cada dia con productos de mercado local…
ron santiago 8, miel, bitter de hierbas aromaticas
ron black tears spiced, dash de jengibre, fresas y licor Malu
tequila, zumo de limon, dash de jenjibre, mango, bitter de frutas tropicales
ron santiago 11, vermouth rosso, campari afrutado
ron havana club 7, zumo de limon y vino blanco
+10% del servicio