House with a privileged location in the center of Cienfuegos, which provides the visitor the ideal proximity to the main tourist and cultural activities of the city.
With more than 100 years of construction it is a beautiful eclectic building which takes advantage of the elevation of the street to stand out within the architectural ensemble that surrounds it, it has been completely restored, preserving the floors, columns and original plaster moldings of walls and ceilings so the rooms have been carefully decorated in perfect harmony with the style of the hotel.
…deja a nuestro chef inspirarte, creando un menu diferente cada dia con productos de mercado local…
ron santiago 8, miel, bitter de hierbas aromaticas
ron black tears spiced, dash de jengibre, fresas y licor Malu
tequila, zumo de limon, dash de jenjibre, mango, bitter de frutas tropicales
ron santiago 11, vermouth rosso, campari afrutado
ron havana club 7, zumo de limon y vino blanco
+10% del servicio